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Wellesley Youth Baseball & Softball



The principal focus of Wellesley Girls Softball is our recreational programs -- especially our spring programs for pre-K through grade 8.  These programs are open registration and we welcome players of all abilities.

We recognize, however, that some girls are ready for additional developmental and competitive opportunities to supplement our recreational programs.  For these players, we are pleased to offer tryout-based Tournament Teams at the 14U, 12U and 10U levels.  The teams practice in the fall, winter and spring and represent Wellesley in some weekend tournaments from mid-May through the end of June.  

Grade Eligibility*:  
  •  4th/5th grade (generally 10U)
  •  6th/7th grade (generally 12U) 
  •  8th/9th grade (generally 14U)
*Under USA Softball rules, girls who are very old for their grades -- born before September 1 -- are considered the higher grade.

Coaching:  The teams are led by a combination of professional coaches and experienced parent volunteer coaches.  Specialized pitching instruction is provided.

Tournament Schedule:  Certain weekends from mid-May (including Memorial Day Weekend) through the end of June.

Practices:  Each team will have a weekly indoor practice on Sundays, sometime in the mid-afternoon through early evening, beginning early January.  There will be outdoor practices in the fall and spring.

Registration:  Opens each year in mid-June


Team selection

Question 1:  How many Tournament Teams will there be?  Will everyone make the team?
Answer 1:  There will be one primary team at the 10U, 12U and 14U levels.  Depending on the signup pattern, it is possible that not everyone who signs up will be offered a spot on the primary team.  When signing up, we ask parents to be mindful that this program is intended for girls who already have a solid foundation of skills relative to their ages.

Question 2:  Will there be anything for girls who aren’t offered a spot on the primary Tournament Teams?
Answer 2:  Yes, if there is sufficient interest, we will try to provide something for these girls.  It might vary from season to season and level to level.  Possibilities include: rotating roster spots on the primary team, or a B team, or a practice-only team.

Question 3:  How will you decide who makes the teams?  And who decides?
Answer 3:  Roster decisions will be based on our existing knowledge regarding the girls, combined with observations at evaluation sessions which will be held in July and/or September.  Decisions will be made by the program director and coaches who do not have daughters in the player pool.  

Question 4:  My daughter played on a Tournament Team last year.  Does she need to attend the evaluation this year?
Answer 4:  Yes, she should attend the evaluation, unless we let you know otherwise.

Question 5:  If we are unable to attend the evaluation, can my daughter still be considered for the team?
Answer 5:  Yes, we will still consider her, although attendance is highly recommended.  We will likely give a slight edge to players who attend over similarly skilled players who do not attend.

Question 6:  When does registration open?  When are rosters announced?
Answer 6:  Registration opens in mid-June.  While some roster spots will be awarded beginning in July, the full rosters likely will not be finalized until September.

Question 7:  If my daughter doesn’t make the team this year, will she have a chance in future years?
Answer 7:  Yes.  The teams will be re-selected annually.

Schedule & Registration Fee

Question 8:  When will we know the tournament and winter practice schedule?
Answer 8:  See the information above which should give you a pretty good idea of the tournament and winter practice schedule.  A more precise winter practice schedule will be communicated in the early fall, and a more precise tournament schedule in the late fall or early winter.

Question 9:  How much is the registration fee?
Answer 9:  These teams bear significant costs for things like indoor cage rental, tournament fees, and professional instruction.  However, thanks to our nonprofit status and contributions by parent volunteers, we are able to offer these tournament teams at a cost far lower than what comparable for-profit club teams charge.  The exact fee varies from season to season and team to team, but is generally in the range of $1,000 to $1,400 per player, exclusive of team gear costs.  Team gear may add an additional $200 per player (not applicable to returning players unless they have outgrown something).

Question 10:  When will the fee be owed?
Answer 10:  After evaluations, a $250 installment payment will be owed immediately to secure invited players’ roster spots and to cover fall activities.  The balance of the fee will be owed later, after the winter practice and tournament schedules have been communicated.  All payments are nonrefundable.

Question 11:  My daughter plays another sport during the winter.  Does she need to attend the winter softball practices?
Answer 11:  We understand that girls may play other sports in the winter and in general are supportive if girls choose to prioritize those sports in the winter.  However, for girls whose skills initially are less developed, their roster spots may be conditioned on strong attendance at winter pracices.

Playing time/positions

Question 12:  How will playing time and positions be allocated?
Answer 12:  As these are competitive teams, the more skilled girls will tend to play more, and will have more opportunities at premium positions.  But all girls on the team will receive significant playing time in each tournament that they attend, especially in the Friday/Saturday pool games (perhaps less so in the Sunday playoff games).  The current playing time minimums are shown here.


Question 13:  Will there be opportunities for parents to volunteer?
Answer 13:  Yes!  We need parents to volunteer as coaches, to supplement the professional coaching.  We also will need a parent on each team to gather documents and signatures for the “binder” for submission to USA Softball.

Question 14:  Can my daughter do this program instead of spring softball?
Answer 14:  For 10U and 12U, no.  Spring softball (Junior and Senior Leagues) remains our principal program, and tournament team players are required to participate in spring softball.  For 8th graders in 14U, however, participation in spring softball (Senior League) is encouraged but not required.

Question 15:  Who can I contact with additional questions?
Answer 15:  If you still have questions after carefully reviewing all of the material above, you may contact the program director.

Wellesley Youth Baseball & Softball

396 Washington Street, Suite 289
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481
Email : [email protected]
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