Be a part of a great Wellesley tradition - Est. 1952

We greatly appreciate you considering to support of Wellesley Youth Baseball & Softball, it's players, coaches and fans. As you know, the sponsorship program has been critical in helping to provide baseball and softball programs for the youth of Wellesley. WYBS has touched thousands of Wellesley families over the years, providing  opportunities for kids to have fun and develop skills, while learning important lessons about teamwork, competition and friendship.   

We realize that time are tough, but we ask for your support for the 2024 Baseball & Softball season. As expressions of our thanks sponsors will receive:

  • Your business name will be printed on the uniform of each team you support.
  • Sponsor names will run along a streaming banner on the Little League website and on the team’s page.
  • We will acknowledge sponsors on a large banner at the All Star game.
  • We’ll send a wall plaque with a team photo if you like.
  • And don’t forget, Wellesley ball players wear their uniforms to school and around town…all the time!

The cost is $350 for the first team and $300 for each additional team. We anticipate over 100 softball and baseball teams needing sponsorship for the upcoming Spring, Summer and Fall 2024 seasons. Your support would be greatly appreciated in the Wellesley Baseball and Softball community!

We need your help to ensure another successful WYBS season. All donations are tax deductable as WYBS is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please consider supporting by using our handy online payment link or sending along a check.

Donate Online! @ wellesleyybs.org (click on “Sponsorship” button towards the bottom of this page)

Want to send a check? Just send along your check with our paper form sponsor button below to: Wellesley Youth Baseball & Softball, 396 Washington St., Suite 289, Wellesley, MA 02481

If you would like to sponsor a whole League (ie. K/1 Softball, Single A Baseball, etc) please email us at wellesleyybs@gmail.com